Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Babies!

Do you know what happens when you visit the feed store and they have baby goats for sale? One part of your brain tells you to wait because it is still too cool for the babies to be in the barn in Maine, you don't have fences up yet, and you are getting ready to go back to work for three nights straight and you will have to get up during the day and feed those angels. Well, the other part of your brain just hoots and hollers.... Woo Hoo we have baby goats. Guess which side of our brain won? You got it.... Woo Hoo we got baby goats!!!! Please meet Bella, Sophie and Edward. Yes we have read Twilight and loved it. Edward is the brown Nubian below, Sophie has the small white star on her forehead and little Bella is the smallest with a white palm tree marking on her side. They are staying in our kitchen in a dog crate with shavings.

It is a good thing that our kitchen floor remains unfinished. Baby goats pee just after they have their bottle. Cleanup is less bothersome at this time. They will remain in the kitchen for a week until they get a little bigger and we are able to get their stall comfy.
Sophie is a bit bigger than Bella as you can see here. They look like twins and came from the same farm. We think that Bella is the second, smaller twin.
Edward is a very sweet little boy. He is full of personality.

Ivy the pug is on the left. This gives a great perspective on just how little they are. They still have their dried umbilical cords attached.

It is work trying to get the kids to look at the camera.

Give him a bottle and we can get a smile every time.
Today we are having some problems with Bella. She won't take a bottle. We gave her probiotic paste like Peggy at Hidden Haven advised. Bella is active, bouncy, peeing and we are hoping for the best. We will either take her to the vet tomorrow for some fluids or she will be better. We will keep you updated. Much love from Mainely Ewes Farm.
Kelly and Alex


  1. Kelly, just read about you breaking your arm. So sorry. I know it has been a while but how is it now?

  2. Goats in the Kitchen!!!?? I want goats in the kitchen. I don't know what I would do if our feed store started carrying baby goats, I would probably have goats in the kitchen!

  3. Our baby boy didn't take his bottle for a whole day. But he was ok the next day. Is she eating feed or hay at all? Have you offered it? Our boy started eating hay at about a week old. Is she pooping? What does it look like? Did she ever take the bottle well or is she still learning to take it? Do you have any Nutridrench? That is something you can squirt in her mouth that will give her nutrients.

  4. Yay, baby goats!! :-) They are adorable! Did I, like, completely miss the character of "Sophie" in the Twilight Series? lol
    And I am simulataneously disappointed and relieved that they do not sell baby goats at any of our local feed stores. I would have goats in the kitchen, in the laundry room, in the bathroom, and, yes, until they peed, even in the bedroom. :-) :-) (Watch this date: May 2, 2009)
    Congratulations Kelly & Alex!!


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