Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Now that it is warm outside we spend very little time indoors. It drives us crazy to sleep during the day when it is warm and beautiful outside. So, every chance we get, it's outside for us. The inside of the house is on hold for a bit. There are still floors that call out to be sanded and finished, the kitchen wall still have bare drywall. Harsh thought here, I still have to sand and finish them. Ewwww.....that can wait till fall! I love being out in the sun with the breeze blowing to keep those wretched black flies away. We went to Parker Lumber in Bradford to pick up a truck load of mulch. I feel good when I can spend money locally. Parker is a really cool lumber mill about 3 miles from us. I love to look at their post and beams, cedar and hemlock. I have put Preen fabric down around my flowers to keep the weeds at bay. I can grow weeds like nobody else. Last year I bought those horrid bags of mulch that cost a fortune. I like the natural hemlock, not the dyed mulch.

The flower garden is looking great! I still have to get more fabric to cover around this lilac tree.

The poppies have popped!

I don't know how old this peony is. She was here when we moved in. We didn't know about her till last year when the cows were gone and she started coming up.

another peony....

The salvia is so lush this second year. The humble bumbles love to visit.

The Evening Primrose is a new addition...

Breath taking...can you tell that peony's are my favorite flower? See my bee? I know it is mine because she waved just before I got this shot and yelled in her little bee voice, "hi mom".

My daughter Sue knows that I love peony's and she sent me these beauties from my favorite grower in Quebec, La Pivoinerie D'Aoust. If you love the peony give her site a visit. Lindsay has an online catalog that will make your mouth water.
The girls are settling in. They come running whenever we call. It is so cute to see these girls heads pop up out of the grass and a bleat and then look out, here they come.

The whole family! We are still trying to get the sheep to accept the goaties. There is still a bit of bullying going on. Just you wait till the goats get bigger!

Have a very good day. Much love and prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.

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