Friday, March 12, 2010

We Have Babies!!!!!!!!!


The long wait has come to an end.  At 7am everything was quiet.  Isabella was standing with the rest of the goats.  At 8:40 Ted  went out to check again. I heard Ted yell on the monitor we have set up “Kelly, come out here now.”   At about 9am this tiny hoof made an appearance.



With a few pushes and a loud groan Isabella pushed this little face into the world.


And this miracle happened. Annie was born at 9:05 am.DSC_0098

Isabella began cleaning the newborn of the afterbirth.  Annie stood almost immediately. We used clean towels to clean her face of the mucus and Mom did the rest.DSC_0128

Then at 9:15 Teddy arrived with a splash.


We were very fortunate that the weather was warm this year. No sub zero birthing . Whew. The heat lamp is used to prevent chills.


Isabella has surprised us with being such a good mother. She was comfortably with us being close. She would call to us when we were on the outside of the pen. “See, I did good.”


Ahem….please let me introduce Annie at 10# even and her younger but bigger brother Teddy at 11.6. 


After doing such a great job with her babies Isabella enjoyed a nice warm gallon of water  with 1 cup molasses.  She put her face in the bucket and began sucking the mixture up. The molasses is a great source of iron and glucose. Two things that she needs after delivery.


In Maine we are a selenium deficient area. Selenium is an element that is vital for muscle function in sheep and goats. It is necessary for goats to reproduce, urinate, birth and lactate.  A lack of selenium can cause White Muscle Disease very similar to Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy.  The kids were given 1/2cc of  Bo-Se, a selenium supplement. Their navels were dipped with iodine to prevent tetanus and other infections.  They were weighed and loved alot.

Beverly from Bee Haven Acres had this great idea that her brother developed for a warming barrel.  The kids can get in but the moms cant. Babies can stay warm. Ted is busy setting it up. Of course with the help of Emma.  The very helpful chocolate Lab.


We will update with a myriad of pictures.  And of course the completed barrel.  Much Love and Prayers from all of our new arrivals at Mainely Ewes Farm.



  1. Congratulations ! It seems like it takes forever for those babies to get here!

  2. well documented and great news! healthy births are always a thrill

  3. Congrats to all the goat mamas and grandmamas and papas! They are so darn cute!!!! ~Lili

  4. How fun! Congrats on your first babies of 2010!

  5. Our first goat deliveries were last year and we weren't around for either one. When we discovered babies, they were already dried off and up and around, we didn't have to do anything until SweetPea had a C-section and the Vet let us assist, that's when we got Gabbi.

  6. Oh Kelly, they are beautiful! Congratulations Goat Mamaaaa!!! Can't wait to see the barrel.

  7. congrats! what darling babies. glad the deliveries went well.

  8. Yay! Congratulations.


  9. Congratulations... so cool! Great pictures too =)

  10. YAY!!!!! Isn't that so exciting!!! I swear, I will NEVER get tired of seeing new babies being born. I'm so excited for you all!!!

  11. Yea! Babies! I have two more weeks...can't wait.

  12. Yay!! Babies!!! They're so cute! Congratulations!

  13. congrats on your new babies!!!!!

  14. Congrats on the babies. Re. selenium - east of the Mississippi there's no selenium so it's not just Maine, it's all of us...east of the Mississippi.

  15. I am so excited for you all! What a fun time of year, and so much more to come! Enjoy :)

  16. Congratulations on your new babies! They are adorable! blessings,Kathleen

  17. Awwwwwww! So very precious! Can't wait for more pictures - and to see the warming barrel and how it works. Congratulations!


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