Monday, March 1, 2010

What The.......

I think Blogger has lost it's mind.  It has taken something enjoyable and made it an effort.

Does anyone know how to move pictures to the left? How about middle. Why do they do this? Is there some poor soul sitting at Blogger Headquarters trying to convince the guys in the big office that changes need to be made? Are they telling Mr. Big that the people who use Blogger will love these changes, it will make it easier for the "little" people. As the "little" people, please change it back. Whats with those pop ups under the pictures? I want to cuss here. %$$& &^%$#%%%%%$@$E$R%. I still don't feel better. This really stinks. I feel like Shirly Curly here. Anyone.... HELP


  1. I haven't had that problem but others have complained about it, I'm clueless.

  2. I don't know if this will help or not, but try hitting the button to "attach" your pictures - the screen will have "browse" for pictures at the top, and below that, it will say "layout" - I have mine set on "center" but accidentally clicked on left, or something like that and it took me quite a while to figure out how to fix it! Not sure if that's the case or not, but might want to hit the "attach" button and see.

  3. It's actually the "add a picture" button, not "attach".

  4. I saw your comment on my blog (I didn't post it to keep your email private). Check your email. The subject is Windows Live Help (LTRLT). (I added my acronym to try to make it not look like spam. lol).

    Good luck!

  5. If your "edit" page looks like mine, that little toolbar that floats right under the pictures is where you can pick the size of the picture, and also whether you want it centered or pushed to the side.


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