Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

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Easter and Spring bring such wonder and promise.  We have been blessed this year with a mild winter and early spring.  The crocus has arrived. Usually they poke up through a thick blanket of snow. This year the ground is clear of all traces of snow.  Susan and Jasmine came up to spend this special holiday with us.  Each year our family seems to be a little more spread out across the US.  Kids have started their own families and spend holidays with in-laws. It is such a special feeling when they can make it home for holidays. We have really honed down our menu.  Now, it doesn’t take two days to prepare dinner.  We have found that it is much more fun to spend that time with family.  After an early Easter Dinner we took a trip to the barn to visit with the animals. Sue found Ruthy a sweet kid.

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Jasmine is a bit anxious with the goats.  She absolutely refuses to go into the ram pasture since Truffles gave her a big butt.  The kids are more her speed.

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It is much easier to hug on the Littles. They still remember her from her summer here last year.

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Even the Curlies have a smile on their face.

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Time to take the goats for a walk to make that dinner settle a bit. Doesn’t everyone take their goats for walks?

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Late every afternoon it is time for the lamb races.  We still have only two, but the boys love to run and jump.  Here Ashland is really airborne.  He loves to take a leap off of this little dirt pile.  If you listen close you can almost hear a “whoopee” from the little fella

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Fuzzy keeps watch on all of her flock.  She loves the lambs.

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Emily and Archer

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Esther and Ashland

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We hope everyone had a wonderful day.  Best wishes go out to each and everyone both human and animal.  After all we share our lives with them each and every day.  Much love and prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. what kind of goat is Susan holding? Is that a Togg?

  2. what a blessed Easter you guys had! Glad you are enjoying a nice spring without snow this year.


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