Monday, November 8, 2010

Getting Ready for the Winter While Having a Little Fun

We never have a dull moment here on the farm. Everyone likes to get in on the fun and do a little entertainment. What do you do with left over candy from Halloween? Well we left it in a bowl in the living room. That way anyone can just help themselves. Evidently, Emma and Lucy understood this and did a little helping themselves to a few lollipops. No sense hiding the evidence Emma. I see that lollipop stick hanging out of your mouth. Don't give me those poor pitiful me eyes. I don't blame her I love cherry lollipops too.
After a little fun it's back to work. Our plan was to get the heaters under and in the water troughs and containers to prevent solid freezing. We have had a few mornings with a thick ice sheet in the goat and sheep troughs. A couple of hits with a fist and all is well. It won't be long till they will freeze and it won't be so easy to break and allow the animals to get fresh water. We spent the morning putting the chicken water on a heater.
Changing the shavings in the laying boxes. I put diatomaceous earth in the bottom of the boxes to prevent mites and apply a thick warm layer of shavings to give the girls something cozy to lay in.
We keep layering the coop with shavings to keep the girls warm in the upcoming months. They are all curious about the new shavings and begin immediately to scratch around for anything interesting and possibly edible.
Outside to change the bucks water to a bucket with a built in heater.
Everything is all ready to go. Hopefully, we will have a few weeks before we have to plug in and drain the electric grid. Just a forewarning, we may have circulating brown outs in the area when we do plug in. To Bangor and the surrounding area, we humbly apologize in advance.
We cut up a fallen tree getting it ready to split for firewood. The tractor came in handy moving the huge logs. It was a muddy day. We still have standing water and rain again today.
The thermometer may have said 40 outside, but it was windy and damp making us chilled. What better way to warm up. A nice wood stove fire, warm apple cider and fresh baked onion and cheese bread. Yum and Aaaaahhhhh........
For a few more updates from the farm. I have finally gotten on day shift and have much more energy. The added energy is wonderful. Now when I have days off I'm not sleeping and tired. I enjoy the time and interaction that I have with my patients and their family. There is such a sense of satisfaction. I love my job. I actually look forward to going to work. We got a call from our carpenter and he had to postpone reinstalling the stairs due to flu. We hope he is getting better. As soon as possible I will post the living room completion. Like I say, never a dull moment. Take care and stay warm. Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Oh how I want your cold temps. LOL It is back up in the 70's for us this week. Got a little tease of winter just hope there is more to come. You guys are always so busy and I love to see all the photos. Glad you are on days and can't wait to see the livingroom! Have a very blessed day.

  2. Great news about the shift change in your job. I really know the feeling of sleep deprivation, and it makes the work you love to do around a farm so much harder. Keep toasty and well fed!

  3. Great news you're on day shift! The chickens will appreciate their new winterized digs I'm sure! And the heaters in the water will definitely come in handy I'm sure!

  4. Congrats on finally getting on the day shift! That bread looks so yummy, cheese and onion are such a great combination, and nothing beats a cozy fire in the woodstove. xo ~Lili

  5. even here in Texas we have one of the floating trough de-icers - keeps the goats watered. Had to thaw the chicken's water a couple of times - their coop is on stilt like legs - but we rarely have a prolonged cold spell - used a heat lamp for them one week I think.
    Days are SO much better - patients are awake and you can interact - and life doesn't flip upside down at home!


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