Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter Olympics...Maine Style

Winter Games. Not quite THE winter Olympics, but none the less entertaining. Definitely entertaining. Our Winter Olympics happen every year. Maine is the host state, and Bradford the site. Otherwise know as "Our Backyard". The contestants are both American. Ahem....Emma and Lucy. Both of our contestants are very proud of their country. They celebrate every 4th of July with gusto. Really into the hot dog and hamburger grilling thing. Today we are having the opening ceremony. Here are Emma and Lucy parading onto the platform. Aka..... the Snow Mountain. Created and maintained by Ted and the John Deere Girl. They arrive with such self assurance. Webbed feet gripping the snow like old pros.
And the music begins. Our contestants have arrived. (applause and standing ovation)
Welcome to the first competition. Snow Ball catching. Emma dominates this sport with natural grace and ease.
Whoa, it's a sneak attack from Lucy trying to take the spotlight and the gold. Is nothing sacred?
Emma dominates, paws down. Just look at that intent gaze. Just try taking her gold. I dare ya.
There was a complaint submitted by the guineas that fowl play was a paw. We will be investigating any cheating and report on our discovery tomorrow. For now we go inside to warm up. Our temp registers 12 on the thermometer and all paws need to toast by the wood stove for a bit.
Much Love and Prayers from Mainel Ewes Farm.


  1. Waving my flag and cheering but wish I was there in person. LOL Congrats to the gold medalist.

  2. I love it! LOL. That's a HUGE snow mountain! Great job, Ted!

  3. These pictures are adorable! My big dogs, and the Pug, all love climbing on snow mountains. Love the picture with the big snowball in his mouth, just too cute!


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