Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chickens in My Kitchen?

The Ladies have been doing an outstanding job laying eggs. We are getting at least 1 dozen a day, every day now. This past winter the girls went on strike. No eggs for days. We decided to let nature take it's course and didn't use any artificial light to lengthen the days and increase egg production. In commercial egg houses they do terrible things to the hens to make them lay. As a nurse I recognize how important sleep is to my patients. They need lights out and undisturbed time. So do our hens. We did use heat lamps on the coldest nights. Oh, on the chickens not my patients. Just sayin.
We are using clean, recycled egg cartons. Saves money and the earth.
I have chickens in my kitchen too. Not the noisy, pooping kind. Painted pictures of chickens,

bought pictures of roosters.....

and more roosters.....

and chickens just standin there.

Thelma and Louise

Henny Penny egg basket, with eggs of course.

Chickens way up high. (do not comment on the cob web)

chicken tins (chicktens)

The hen fruit ends up here. Waiting. Waiting to be sold to anyone who wants to have a heavenly breakfast. Is there any difference between store bought eggs and farm fresh? If you have to ask, run, don't walk to a neighbor who sells fresh eggs. Heaven. Pure heaven.
I sell eggs to co workers at my hospital. I have them addicted now. They just can't help themselves. Every day I go to work I here "hey Kelly, you got eggs? I got money. Let's make a deal." Yep, addicted nurses and pharmacy staff. Eggs. Hen Crack!
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Wonderful chicken collection. I also collect. Anything chicken : )
    What do you get for your eggs there?

  2. Dear Kelly,
    Chickens are nice, but don't you have any goats?

  3. My girls are 3 years old (at the beginning of March) and this was the first winter their egg production dropped to only 1 every couple days. Things are looking up, though: on Sunday, we got 6 eggs out of my 9 girls... and this makes me so happy!
    I'm with you on the supplemental light-thing. If nature does this normally, I didn't want to mess with it.
    Love all your kitchen chicken items - my kitchen looks very similar.

  4. Hen crack! lol too funny, love all your chicken stuff!


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