Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Lambs of 2011

The long awaited time has arrived. We have our first lambs of 2011. Our sheep are Icelandic with beautiful wool and horns. This past November we let Echo into the ewe pasture to work his magic. This is the ram we picked up January 2010 from Terry Carlson at Echo has such a sweet and non aggressive disposition. This is Esther with her little ewe lambs. Icelandic sheep mostly twin or triplet. Esther too has a sweet personality and a voice like Ethyl Merman.

We are happy to introduce Beatrice at 7 lbs and......
and her twin sister Bernadette at 6 3/4 lbs. Bernie has a white spot on the top of her head so for now we can tell them apart.

They both got their BoSe shot (vitamin E and Selenium) and navels dipped in Iodine. They have a "what the heck" look on their faces. They nursed right away. The cutest little tails wagging with happiness

We didn't expect them for a few days, however they had different plans. I opened the back door and heard a little lamb baaaaa and yelled "Ted we got lambs". It was a wonderful surprise.

Now it truly is spring on Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Oh, the cuteness. My goodness, I just can't stand it!


  2. Oh, they are just adorable!! I love seeing lambing season at your place.

  3. Ohhh Kelly! Beatrice and Bernadette are gorgeous!
    Congratulations - and well done, everyone!

  4. Ah, spring fluffies! Better than the Easter Bunny. He only brings candy. :)

  5. I think my exact words when I saw lambs in the morning were, "Baaaaaabies!" and then I went an got the 11 year old out of bed!

  6. Love, love,love babie lambs!

  7. That baby is cute and dad is GORGEOUS! Good job everyone!

  8. beautiful and a blessing to have twin ewelamb!

  9. They are beautiful Kelly! Love them-they look bigger then our Shetlands-but still tiny! Enjoy!! Can almost feel how soft........

  10. Those easy surprises are always the best! Lovely little girls!

  11. Oh now I remember that handsome ram from your trip and see where those beautiful babies got their gorgeous color. ~Lili


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