Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Highs and Lows

Summer means green grass, hay fields waving in the breeze and flowers.
Lots and lots of yellow ones........

                                                               Lavender ones......

                                                          white ones........
                                                         purple clover............
                                                      Even the trees flower
                                                                       The hay fields abound with flowers.
                      With the exception of the trees, all of these wonderful flowers along with grasses  go into   making our hay.         

Deep breath in...deep breath out.  The damn tractor starts hemorrhaging.  Well, maybe that is stretching it a bit.  The hydraulic thingy starts leaking.  I have an incontinent tractor. Maybe Atends would help? We had to have John Deere repair out again.  Is this sounding familiar?  Like, maybe, last summer?  Guess what? The seal is made in India.  They are having so many problems with these seals.  Not just our tractor. WELL....that makes me feel sooooooo much better.  I want to kick something.  Really kick it.

This is our loaner........Just kidding. 
 Our neighbor Fred brought his tractor over.  This is a 1970 International .  A tractor that doesn't break down every summer. 
We were able to get 264 bales up in our barn. I will post more pictures tomorrow.  We had to wait a few days to cut more hay due to weather.   Should we trade in our new John Deere tractor in on a used one?  Hmmmm.......

Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Praise God you got up dry hay; that's a sure blessing!
    Sorry about the Deere parts; that's a bummer.

  2. Awesome neighbor! I have Q106.5 playing right now and while I'm reading your post "My International Harvester" is playing. Super appropriate, yes? :-)

  3. A good neighbor to the rescue and just in time! I am sure you will find a way to return the favor.

  4. We have issues with our John Deere supplier. It is so hard to get anyone to answer the phone - one of the mower blades broke (there are three) and it is such a pain to get a new one, my husband just figured something out on his own! We bought ours years ago, though - I have read the newer ones have parts that aren't working as well.

    All the flowers are beautiful, and you are so lucky you can grow hay. We have grass all year round, but hay is nearly $30 a bale.

  5. I think the older equipment is much better made than today's. Hope you get the tractor up and running without a diaper soon. LOL have a blessed day and btw... love the photos!!

  6. But, but, but .... nothing runs like a Deere. How can this be? The goatmother's grandpa always had an International Harvester. It always ran. Of course 'PoPo' knew how to fix anything. A true Renaissance Man - kind of like me - a true Renaissance Goat.

  7. Sandra- We do every day. Hay is a blessing. We need to get parts made in the USA! Then we can complain without sounding rude. LOL

    Jodi- I love that song.
    Michaele- What would we do without neighbors?
    NancyDe- I am not real impressed with ours either. I'm trying to keep an open mind.
    Peggy- I agree with you. I don't like incontinent machenery. Mine or the tractors.
    Marigold- the tractor has problems and it is still under warranty. Can you say extended warranty? I need your PoPo to help our tractor.


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