Just last spring we ordered Buff Orpington chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I had heard wonderful reviews in regards to their excellent egg laying qualities, their sweet and loving disposition, and their ability to go broody and raise chicks. Our last hens, Partridge Plymouth Rock, were good egg layers but never went broody, wouldn't set on a clutch of eggs and really didn't care one bit to have me love on them. Is it truly necessary for me to pick up my hens and love on them? Well, of course it is. Our girls have grown into beautiful hens now. They spend their days out roaming the pasture looking for choice bugs and worms.
They are good natured and get along well with the whole barnyard. Just look at those legs. Ain't she just so pretty?They love to visit the rams and follow the ewes into the apple orchard looking for the best treats.
They have reached a milestone in their development. They have started LAYING!!!! We are getting some light colored small eggs and some really large brown eggs. Both coming from our young hens.
Wow! such different sizes and beautiful colors.
The large egg must have made the hen say ouch. It was a double yolk. Their little bodies are just getting in the grove. Beautiful orange yolks. They taste so wonderful.
I am so happy that we have young hens. The older ladies will remain here on the farm and free range with the younger girls. We will keep our geriatric hens in retirement but safe.
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm
I have the buffs also and have never been more please. Love to hear from a fellow chicken-lover.
ReplyDeleteI miss my chickens - hoping to be in new place soon enough so I can order some Black Australorps for last McMurray shipment in November.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! It's such a thrill when they start. This was our year of the great chicken experiment, and I confess we just gave our small flock to our chicken-keeping neighbors. Our experience makes me admire people who keep chickens even more!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, there is nothing like the thrill of the first egg. I love all my girls, but my Buffs have the sweetest disposition. Henny, Iris, Charlotte and Beatrix are now 2 1/2 but still lay the most wonderful eggs. Greetings from Dog Trot Farm, Julie.
ReplyDeleteOf all of the varieties we have raised we love our buffs the best.
ReplyDeleteGlad your ladies are providing you with eggs now.
Love your header photo! So good to have fresh eggs! blessings,Kathleen
ReplyDeleteI think Buffs are some of the most pretty chickens!
ReplyDeleteOne of my BO girls is laying, but one is not. The other, two barreds are doing fine, plus my older two gals. Last week I went to shut the coop for the night, and one BO was missing. I found her out in a ditch across from our house, neslted in the leaves. I flushed her out, and she ran back to the barn, but her feathers looked funny. I caught her and brought her in the house, to find a 2x4 inch strip of bloody skin, missing feathers, on her back, plus banged up and bloody feet!! Cleaned her up, kept her in one night, then back out she went. Luckily, her other feathers hide the wound, so the other hens don't peck it. She's still a bit off, but bit me in protest of being handled!! Found that one of the barreds had a banged up foot and ankle too- both of them must've gotten hit by a car. Nice that the person stopped...NOT!
ReplyDeleteSo do you have a separate coop for the older hens? I'm wanting to order a new batch in the spring, but I'm afraid they won't get along with the old girls. I'm thinking we'll need to reopen our "assisted living" coop.
ReplyDeleteLets hear it for the girls! Yay!!
ReplyDeleteThey are gorgeous birds, Kelly~ and Buffs are so sweet and gentle.
I am not sure if you got my email. You are one of the winners of my drawing. Please email me your address and congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous. Goldie should start laying any day now. Of course, I'm not in the egging business but, I'd still like to see her get with it. Morticia still has some months, yet.
ReplyDeleteI agree... nothing like an egg from a happy free ranging hen..
ReplyDeleteHi Kelly
ReplyDeleteNothin beats farm fresh eggs!! My older girls live their lives out also. Every couple of years I either hatch out chicks or purchase chicks.