Friday, November 4, 2011

Florida! Mom!

Here I am in Florida again. I came down to visit my Mom for a week.  Her house is so nice, neat, manicured. No goats grazing, eating her flowers or tearing down her tree.  No goat poop on her boots here. I miss my goaties even with their bad behaviors.
Yesterday morning I heard a familiar honking overhead and these sweet Canadian geese landed. Hi guys, where you from?  They are enjoying the warm Florida sunshine.  Making themselves at home in the cul-de-sac.  Does this make them domesticated geese? Are they going to ask for cable next? 
Here there are no puddles.  All the roads are even and no pot holes like our roads in Maine. I guess those snow plows do a real job on our roads. 
No trip to Florida is complete until we make our sojourn to Penzeys Spices.  It is like a candy store for cooks.  Mom had her list in hand and was leaving me behind. I have to catch up!

Oooooo, aaaaaaaaaa.  The smell is so wonderful.  A sight to behold. I'm in heaven. I want one of everything!

One of my very favorite, Pure Vanilla Extract, Double Strength. Oh, I wish I had a smellputer so you could lift that stopper and get a whiff.  Heaven!
So this is my treasure trove that I came back with.  Their soup bases don't have MSG.  There are so many people out there with allergies to this additive that I try to always get MSG free items. Hot pepper flakes and not so hot pepper flakes, horseradish dip mix. Yum. I have to order my vanilla at the Penzey's online store because of the fluid limit when flying.  There is no way that I would throw that stuff away and TSA would try to make me. 
The baking has begun.  My mom is a wonderful cook and she has passed the love of cooking on to me.  The house smells so good.

She has also passed her love of cast iron cookware on to me. I get it honestly. It is in my DNA!

She has a few pieces that she keeps here.  They are old, some passed down to her from her family.

Oops, I think that is enough pictures for now. I know that look! I remember it well from childhood. Love ya Mom! No more pictures for now! 
We are going to an estate sale today. Now how can I get a dresser back to Maine in my suitcase?
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Oh, you should have stopped off by the farm (in Georgia)!
    I know what you mean about the different environment. When I used to go up to visit my mother in metro Atlanta, it was like a different world. It was nice and clean,and I loved to visit but I couldn't wait to get back home.

    Enjoy your visit.

  2. GPS go awry ........... Geese in the cul de sac, lol, does that look like water from the air. Too funny

  3. your mother's oven is way too neat and clean. my head hangs in shame. i really need to clean my oven!

  4. Love this post! Am deeply envious of your sojourn to a spice store; just teh smell alone must have been exquisite. And it's a lovely, wonderful thing to be able to visit your mom. Wishing you many joy-full moments together.

  5. Oh, now Mom is just a cutie! I bet she would feed a goat lots and lots of Peanuts. That's what moms do isn't it? Feed people, I mean. Ooo. The Goatmother loves Penzey's, but of course orders on line. No stores anywhere near. Pendery's too. Have you found them? So, now then. WHERE is the picture of the alligator?

  6. Them geese followed you. Said they weren't babysitting them goats.
    I don't recall going to a spice store. I do however, like to visit the Hickory Farms sausage stores. Now, that's an aroma I can live with.
    Throw some sunshine down on me on your way back home.

  7. Florida!? Lucky ladies! Her house is as beautiful as she is. You live so far away from her : (

  8. Penzeys is THE BEST! I spend a fortune every time I go. Their lamb seasoning is great, and so if the bavarian for use on lamb. My list of "must haves" is a mile long. Their mixtures makes cooking so much easier.

  9. Penzeys is THE BEST!!! I love all of their spice/herb blends, it makes cooking a breeze. Especially for lamb, their bavarian, greek and lamb mixes are all awesome.

  10. Glad you are having such a lovely visit with your Mom. What a great trip to prepare you for your Maine winter. Enjoy that Florida sunshine!

  11. Penzey's is one of my very favorite "order" places - that vanilla is incredible. I like your mom's place and miss my mom so much - cooking with her was our bonding time.

  12. I love seeing blog posts with your mom in them. She just seems like such a great woman and you two seem like you're having such a great visit! I'd like your mom to come visit me and cook with/for me! Have a fun rest of your trip!


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