Sunday, January 22, 2012

What...The Refrigerator Died...Again

A word of wisdom or rather a few words.  Never, ever, ever buy a refrigerator without an extended warranty.  Last year we shopped for and bought the coolest refrigerator.  An Amana with all the bells and whistles.  It did everything but clean house and make dinner.  Oh, yes and work.  The telling fact was when it started making a strange noise 1 month before it's first birthday.  The repairman came out and in no uncertain terms explained that I didn't have the good sense to run a refrigerator.  I had it set too cold.  Well. Lets see, I can read a cardiac monitor, titrate blood pressure meds on pumps to keep people alive but I CANT WORK A REFRIGERATOR.  Okay if he says so. After all he is THE repairman.  Anyhoo...after the fridge either quit or piddled on my floor.  Yes, I thought the dogs had an accident.  Here I was with broken leg on crutches trying to wipe up the pee and fussing with the dogs when they didn't even do it.  The thing met it's 6th repair in a 12 month period that was required to finally get a replacement.  The new LG arrived all fresh and full of promise.  It was a good time to really get rid of a bunch of stuff that always fills the back of the fridge.  What is that hard chunk with green fuzzies growing on it anyway?
I can honestly say they did good by us.  They gave us the regular price for our old fridge even though we bought it on sale.  This one was on sale, so we actually got an even better fridge for the original sale price.  We hope. We have our fingers crossed that it will be here for years to come. We were able to keep the remainder of our extended warranty and apply to this fridge.  Yes, we will be extending it when it expires.
I wish that John Deere had the same warranty.  Maybe that is something that they will think about.  Customer service is everything.  If we could only convince big corporations that we matter.  I would love to have American Made on every item in my home. Remember when Made in Tiawan was a joke and not a fact? Go American!
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm


  1. Nice new box! I certainly hope you have "learned" how to run this one right. lol Repairmen can be a little rash sometimes.

  2. You ??? set it too cold, did you install the refrigerator all by yourself. It was probably where ever it was set when it was installed. And if it was set too cold why is there a setting that cold.

    Glad they made it right. If you ever figure out the green fuzzies please let me know, I think I have had more than one of those.

  3. I had the same thing happen to me with my LG. Just 1 day after the warranty was void. I hope you have better luck with yours. They look great, but lets face it all we really want is to keep are food cold or frozen. Have a good week.

  4. Love the new fridge! Now you have me wanting to clean out mine and that would be scary! LOL

  5. Perhaps you should go back to one of those old oak cabinet models with the block of ice inside. At least it wouldn't be made somewhere else. :) I don't have a refrigerator in the barn. It's cold enough out here all by itself and I didn't even set it to 'cold'. Obviously you didn't have that nice Maytag repairman from the TV.

  6. Remember when things were made with pride and quality and you did not have to buy a warranty..they came with one!It just rubs me the wrong way when the cashier asked if I want to buy a warranty,it is like saying"the makers know their product is substandard and won't even guarantee it will last more than 6 months so if you want us to fix it you will have to pay more money"...Ugg! I have a LG fridge and it has lasted 4 years,although Hubby has yet to hook up the ice maker,lol..I hope you have good luck with yours too!

  7. So glad you got a replacement! Customer service is really is everything! Hope this one works better for you!

    Too cold? That's funny! I would have to agree with Tombstone Livestock. Why is there a "too cold" setting? That's like having jet speed installed in your automobile!

    Have a great week!


  8. Bless your heart!! So... did you get the extended warranty on this one?? I am looking for a new one starting this week. Any advice?

  9. Disregard my first comment. I have now gone back and read your post again... and a little slower. Now I get it.

  10. I just stumbled by your blog and saw this post. I have the same LG fridge and while I love it, I must warn you. Open from the right and close from the left. We have already had the whole left door replaced because the hinge went and there was no way to replace it without replacing the whole door. Luckily it was still under a year old, but the repairman said it was a $600 job!! He also said mine was the 2nd in the week with the same problem.
    So be gentle with the doors!

  11. Well really--what do ICU nurses know for refrigs!!! Don't you just sometimes wish you'd meet those kind of repair people on the other side of the monitor/IV pole?!! New one looks great! Missed seeing you here! Hope the leg is better-have you been out of work all this time-or in the connection-so u didn't have to use all your pep time? Take care-spring is coming! So glad your daughter is closer-I couldn't open that post-just what we could see on the little clip-but how exciting to have the grandkiddies closer!!

  12. Oooh, I love the looks of your new fridge, I'm coveting it from afar! Sounds like I need to get caught up to see what's with your leg. oh dear. ~Lili

  13. Oh man! Now I remember about how you broke your leg in NH. Sorry, it took a while to dawn on me, it seems ages ago, but for you I'm sure time has slowed WAY down. ~Lili


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