Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yes We Have No Insulation

I will admit it, I'm a bit slow at times.  It took Lucy wearing Teds' hat to get her point across.  Okay, we live in a 160 year old farmhouse with little to no insulation in MAINE. It gets cold here and the cost of propane is steadily rising with no help in sight.  We did use fuel oil but the furnace just couldn't even help warm the house.  We heat mostly with wood from the farm.  Still, the temperature in the house rarely gets above 68.  When the outside temp drops below 0 we can wake up to temps in the 50's.  Brrrrrrrr..... Even in my granny gown that is cold.  I was watching a commercial from Efficiency Maine about a loan available of up to $15,000 with a rate of 4.99% and a term of up to 15 years for repayment. 

A Maine PACE loan is a loan taken by a property owner to finance the cost of making a qualified whole house energy upgrade with eligible energy savings improvements to their property. What makes a Maine PACE loan different from other loans is that it stays with the property. If a homeowner sells his or her home before the loan is paid off, the loan can either be paid off at the time of sale or can be transferred with the property to become the responsibility of the new owner.- taken from their website.

I didn't see how this could be a bad thing.  I filled out the online application and they called me the next day with an approval. The second step was an Energy Audit.  I chose a company that had an excellent record and references from the provided list.  Penobscot Home Performance came out and  this is what they did. They used a thermal gun which showed that we had NO insulation in most of the house.  Then they hooked up this reverse fan in the door to detect that we live in a SIEVE! No joke. There was more air going through windows and cracks that we didn't know were even there. 
It looked like everything was a go.  Well hold your horses there. Nothing and I mean nothing in my life works that easy.  Our little town of Bradford was not on the list of participating municipalities.  In small town politics talk that means that I had to present the program at a town meeting to our selectmen.  Then they had to vote to put the ordinance before the town in a special meeting.  Oh woe is me. I just knew that it would not work.  But living in a small town worked to our advantage.  With the help of our Town Manager and a dear selectman it went through without a hitch.  We have a Pace Ordinance.  Everyone can sleep easier now.  Now everything was a go.  Materials started arriving.
This......Cell-Pak, cellulose insulation.
More Cell-Pak, some insulation board and lumber....

Boxes of spray foam insulation.....

This is looking like fun.....I consider anything that someone else has to work at FUN! 
Next, men arrive and WORK!
More to follow. I'm in insulation heaven.
Much Love and Prayers from a WARM Mainely Ewes Farm.
Thank you President Obama and the State of Maine for these funds that will be used wisely and for the good of the common folk. I.E. Stimulus funds.


  1. Congratulations--a warm toasty house to go withthat new bathroom!

  2. Woo Hoo! You won't have everybody in the house standing on your new heated tile to stay warm! :) Plus, the Goatmother says that the older she gets, the less she likes cold! Yay! for your new, albeit to come, heat!

  3. now are you going to have to insulate all the critters home too so you won't feel guilty with them living in a "sieve", lol. They do make good insulated animal coats.

  4. what a wonderful program - we live in a normally warm climate and are considering adding more insulation 'cause it is cheaper - and cheaper is GOOD as one enters the so called Golden Years!

  5. way to go! before the endless summer set in here, we had some cold weather. i keep the thermostat set at 52 because i am always cooking. my husband looked like your dog!

  6. Wow- you've been as busy as we have! I have wondered about that ad for Energy Maine- we could use it too. Our house was built in 1910. Our main problem is the crappy windows that leak so badly. We do have insulation, I think. the walls we've opened so far have it, but not around the windows. SIGH.

  7. Ashling- Thank you.
    Lee- The money is for anthing like windows, furnace, insulation etc. I have been very pleased the the program. You can check to see if your town in on the list.

  8. Marigold- I agree with the Goatmother. It does get harder to deal with. Heat is very nice.

    Tombstone- The goats and sheep are happy. As they should be. They get nice shavings to snuggle in.

    LindaSue- It is about time to have some help from somewhere. Insulation is soooo important.

    Jaz- 52 is a bit nippy in the house. Of course I would stay warm with your cooking.

  9. That is so great and good for you to get to put this to good use! Congrats, this will be so wonderful for you guys! ~Lili


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