Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Lambs 2012

We have been very  blessed with spectacular spring weather this year.  We know when spring actually arrives because it coincides with lambing.  There have been years when we bring the ewes and new lambs into the barn because of the harsh temps here in Maine.  This year all of the ewes lambed outside.  Emily was first with this single ram lamb.  We had two ewes who had singles this year.  The Icelandic sheep are more inclined to have twins with singles being the exception.  This lamb is growing like a weed with all his mother's milk to himself.
Esther surprised us with triplets.   She is a wonderful mother.
Elspeth had twins but one was stillborn.  The ewes are all great mothers. Very protective of their little ones.
Lambs are so cute when they take off really fast and speed by.
Lambs a leaping.
Everyone peaceful and happy. 
We have been busy pushing fence post back into the ground after their being heaved out with the freeze.  Still cleaning up the debris of the old sheep shelter and stacking the remainder of the wood to let it dry before next winter.  We still have fences to put in. No more lazing around.  Time to get to work. Never a dull moment.
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. I just love lambs! Wish we lived closer so I could have a ram lamb from your herd. I have a ewe a friend gave me and want to find her a mate. Don't know what breed she is but she is white and sheds her hair in the spring which is thick but medium long hair. Can you tell I know nothing of sheep. LOL

  2. Oh what sweet babies! Those mamas look FIERCE! My parents have 4 foals on the ground, 2 more to go. I'm missing all of it!! Love baby whiskers and ears!


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