Sunday, April 10, 2011

How many pictures can I take of lambs on their mom's backs?

Evidently quite a few. So many that I can make a whole blog post on these two. Bernie and Bea are happy bouncy lambs. Poor long suffering mother Esther is a saint. Actually she lays down so that the twins can use her as a bouncy toy. She doesn't get annoyed, just makes sweet lovey noises to her lambs.
Just in case you didn't get enough.......
another awwwwwww......

Okay, I know I'm addicted to cute little lamb pictures. The weather is suppose to be warm, 50's today, so lambs will go outside. I promise, more cute lamb pics tomorrow. I love holding those little sweet babies and petting those curls. Oh and in case you thought those were all the cute little lamb pictures of Esther with her babies, I had at least another 20 or so that I didn't include. I do have some control.

Much Love and Prayers from the bouncy Mainely Ewes Farm.


  1. Awwwww. I want to feel their curls too!

  2. throw off your control - more and more - why have a dose of cute when an overdose is available -- wonderful adorable babies - life is cool isn't it?

  3. We're getting about 50 this morning too - but to me that's just freezing. Funny how that works, huh? I love the lamb pictures. Since I have hair sheep that produce three times in two years - I had my first lambs at New Years. My last ewe is due soon. They grow up so fast.

  4. Oy. The sheep have created a monster.

  5. Oh they are so adorable--the little goats love to surf their moms back also!! Those little curly soft bundles are tooooooo much!!

  6. Adorable! I love how sheep do that! I even have a chicken that hitches a ride on one ewe!

  7. That is so cool that the little lambs are so dark against their mama's white curls. I have never seen such cute pics of lambs on their mom's backs! ~Lili

  8. Oh, just so sweet! Love every photo! blessings,Kathleen


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