There are so many blogs out there with Autumn as their topics. Well, why not it is the time of year. We really get into the season here too. The colors start to change and the temps start getting cooler. It must be apple picking time. The orchards are busy with families out picking apples, watching apples getting pressed into fresh cider. Not to be outdone, Emma have developed their own technique for apple picking.
I always seem to have my camera near, except this morning. Ted and I were enjoying coffee on the deck admiring the beautiful morning when I looked up and saw a black bear loping across our field. I know I sounded very articulate as I yelled "bear, bear, bear". That was all I could get out. I ran for my camera and Ted ran for the gun. I couldn't find the camera and when we came back out the bear had cleared our fence in one leap and was heading into the woods. Fuzzy the llama was standing guard. In no way is she any match for a bear. She would have been his first target. Ted went up into the woods and shot multiple times hopefully scaring the bear away. I hope he was as scared of us as we were of him. This is the first time we have seen a bear on the farm. We aren't delusional to think they haven't been here all along.
Much Love and Prayers from Mainely Ewes Farm
Water Discounting Cold Process Soap: How & Why
5 hours ago
Yep, the cool mornings are visiting more frequently. I've noticed the dew has become heavier, too. Is it too early to whine about the freezing weather? lol
This is a great video. I got all puckery just watching them eat those bitter apples.
Ah, yes. The bears. We have a lovely post somewhere of bear tracks coming out of the woods and going up the road. Thank goodness we didn't see anything but the tracks! I bet Ted got all Pioneer Man with the gun. I know that happens to the goatfather when the trees go down and he has to carry the chain saw around in the truck 'just in case'. ")
OMGosh! How did you teach them to do that? So cute and on demand too. Oh by now I'm sure you heard about the guy hunting up in Machias that shot the bear and then the bear came after HIM. Yikes. ~Lili
Sorry, I had to laugh at the thought of you yelling bear,bear, bear. LOL Years ago my mother who lived right next to the Blue Ridge Parkway yet in a subdivision had a bear in her backyard eating out of her birdfeeder. She called me screaming bear. LOL I was 3 hours away and my brother was 15 minutes away so I called him. He went over and took down the birdfeeder and shot up in the air a few times too. Must be a man thing. Have a blessed weekend and thanks for stirring up memories. :)
Ohm the dogs picking is funny. Looks like my ponies, who stretch as high as they can to get the apples near the fields. We just got rid of our goats, to a goat farmer. We did the deep litter method too. We just aren't really set up for them, and in the end, spending money on 3 goats that are kind of doing "nothing".... at the moment, anyway. We really hope to get more knowledgeable and set up in a year or so! We let fresh air in the barn too, all winter, to flush out the "bugs". I need to worm my hens too- but want to wait until the egg production drops off.
Love the video.......made me smile! It has gotten cooler here as well..........we Texans are thankful! Be careful with that bear! We have a badger that has built it's den close to us and comes to get a drink of water every night. Poor thing......I know he is as bad as can be.......but with the drought....he is thirsty. We are hopefully going to trap him and relocate him...........if we can. Blessings,Kathleen
*YIKES!* That bear came a little too close for comfort... how scary!
Loved the video- that is hilarious!
I thought id stop by your blog and say hello. And i hope your enjoying the beautiful fall weather that has begun. Richard from Amish Stories.
I thought id stop by your blog and say hello. And i hope your enjoying the beautiful fall weather that has begun. Richard from Amish Stories.
That's great! Never saw dogs picking apples before. Ours rely on the pears' windfall for their own (rather unfortunate given the aftereffects) snacking. Clever dogs you have!
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